Village of the Great Kivas, Zuni, photo Teresa Weedin.
On June 18, 2010, I published a posting on some insectiform
petroglyphs that I suggested represent the insect commonly known as earwigs.
Now, (March 20, 2013) I have received a thirteen word comment on that posting
from "Anonymous" stating that “these are
images of Birkeland currents occurring in a plasma discharge, not bugs.”
While it is difficult to hold much of a conversation or debate with "Anonymous" I have
heard these arguments in the past and it may be time for me to attempt to
address the subject.
Insect, Canyon de Chelley, AZ, Photo-Peter Faris, 1997.
Although I have received a certain amount of criticism for
it, I am a firm believer in the efficacy of Occam’s razor in such arguments.
While I understand that it is by no means the final arbiter in any debate, it
is useful as a guiding principle in evaluating opposing theories. In this case
the debate is between the two possible explanations of a particular figure in
rock art.
Earwig, Wikipedia.
In my June 18, 2010, posting I stated that “In a patch of growing corn the
earwig finds ideal hiding places between the leaves and cornstalk, as well as
within the leaves that make up the husks of the ears of the corn plant. Anyone
who has ever experienced husking fresh picked corn from the garden has found
earwigs in the process and would definitely accept an association between the
corn and the insect.
Ancestral pueblo people of the Southwest depended upon their corn crop for the
survival of their families. They would be expected to have an intimate
knowledge of the life and development of the plants and would have been fully
aware of insects associated with their corn crop. While the earwig might have
damaged some of the corn crop by eating the silk on developing ears of corn,
they also ate insects that may have damaged the corn such as aphids and plant
lice. This knowledge may well have inspired the sort of approach-avoidance
relationship that would lead to granting the insect a special place in
agriculturally related belief complexes.” (http://rockartblog.blogspot.com)
stated, I postulate that the agricultural cultures of the American southwest,
which created the rock art I am discussing, would have been aware of the
association between the insect we call earwigs and their main food crop maize.
As a lifelong backyard gardener I have noticed this association so I believe
that they inevitably would have as well. It makes sense to me that this
relationship could well have been commemorated in their rock art. In terms of
Occam’s razor this is, I submit, the simple explanation. I could be wrong in this, but it seems the simplest and most obvious explanation.
Now, as
to the other side of the argument, the Birkeland currents. Remember the statement from Anonymous that I quoted above“these are images of Birkeland currents occurring in a plasma discharge, not bugs.” The web site http://gravity.wikia.com gives the following definition of the phenomena known as
Birkeland currents: “Birkeland currents are also one of a
class of plasma phenonena called a z-pinch, so named
because the azimuthal magnetic fields produced by the current pinches the
current into a filamentary cable. This can also twist, producing a helical
pinch that spirals like a twisted or braided rope, and this most closely
corresponds to a Birkeland current. Pairs of parallel Birkeland currents can
also interact; parallel Birkeland currents moving in the same direction will
attract with an electromagnetic force inversely proportional to their distance
apart (Note that the electromagnetic force between the individual particles is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance, just like the gravitational force);
parallel Birkeland currents moving in opposite directions will repel with an
electromagnetic force inversely proportional to their distance apart. There is
also a short-range circular component to the force between two Birkeland
currents that is opposite to the longer-range parallel forces.

Birkeland Currents in a laboratory.
Proponents of this theory suggest that rock art like the figures from the Village of the Great Kivas at Zuni, and the petroglyph from Canyon de Chelley represent the plasma discharges created by one of these Birkeland currents.
This has gotten to be long enough for one week so I will revisit it with
the second half of this exploration in next week's posting.
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