Saturday, February 25, 2017
Wadi Sura II pictographs, Egypt.
Tiny handprints circled. Photo,
public domain.
the past, I have posted columns on human handprints in rock art, and columns
about animal tracks in rock art, but this is my first time reporting on little
animal hand prints in rock art.
An interesting
October, 2016, report by Laura Geggel for Live Science described an important
rock art found at a site in western Egypt. Discovered in the Egyptian portion
of the Libyan Desert in 2002, the cave is named Wadi Sura II, and is located
about 6 miles (10 kilometers) from Wadi Sura I, The Cave of the Swimmers,
discovered in 1933.
Wadi Sura II pictographs, Egypt.
public domain.
Among the
imagery in Wadi Sura II can be found a large number of hand prints, many of
them surprisingly small. "The roughly 8,000-year-old 'hands'
painted on a rock wall in the Sahara Desert aren't human at all, as researchers
originally thought, but are actually stencils of the 'hands' or forefeet of the
desert monitor lizard, a new study finds.
These tiny lizard hands are
intermingled with paintings of human adult hands, which ancient rock artists
stenciled around using red, yellow, orange and brown pigments, the researchers
said." (Geggel)
Emmanuelle Honore, a research fellow of the McDonald Institute for
Archaeological Research at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom,
determined to attempt to find out what the little hand prints meant. "Honore was stunned the first time
she walked into Wadi Sura II in 2006. 'I immediately saw those tiny hands among
the [nearly] thousands of paintings,' she said. In earlier studies researchers
hypothesized that the large and small hands were stenciled around adult and
baby hands. Yet, shortly after looking at the 13 'baby' hand drawings, Honore
concluded that they weren't human.
For one thing, they were
too small to belong to a human infant, she said. Moreover, the digits were
pointy and 'very long and thin' Honore said. In contrast babies have fingers
that are roughly the same length as their palms." (Geggel)
Tiny hand print - center.
Wadi Sura II pictograph, Egypt.
public domain.
research began with careful measurements of human hand prints, including the
hands of a number of normal and premature babies. "Honore and her colleagues also measured 11 of the tiny hands at
the Wadi Sura II site. (The other two were incomplete and difficult to measure,
she said.) In addition, they measured 30 of the large hands at Wadi Sura II and
30 hands from living adults, and found that they matched well, she said.
But several parameters
indicated that the tiny hands were not human. Though the stenciled fingers were
long, overall the hands were small - just 1.8 inches (4.5 centimeters) from the
base of the palm to the end of the middle finger. That's much smaller than a
human baby hand, which measures and average of 2.4 inches (6.2 cm.) long, she
said." (Geggel)
meant that the adult human hand prints were overlaid with unidentified small
hand prints. "At first, Honore thought the tiny hands belonged to a small
monkey. But none of the thousands of monkey hand pictures she researched looked
like those o the wall at Wadi Sura II. Then, when she was doing research at a
crocodile farm in Zambia, she realized that the prints belonged to a reptile.
The front feet of the
desert monitor lizard (Varanus) had the closest match to the paintings, she
found. A baby crocodile (Crocodylus) was another possibility. However,
crocodiles likely didn't live in the desert at that time, so a person would
have needed to transport one over from the Nile or another watery region,
Honore said." (Geggel)
"Other prehistoric
cultures used animals as stencils for their rock art. For example, the
Aboriginal people used emu foot stencils in the Carnarvon Gorge and Tent
Shelter in Australia, and choike/nandu (birds in the genus Rhea) stencils are
in the rock art at La Cueva de las Manos in Argentina." Honore is now working on a
study to try to figure out some possible reasons for the monitor lizard hand
For this
full article see Laura Geggel referenced below. She also reported that the
findings were published in the April 2016 issue of the Journal of Archaelogical
Science: Reports.
images illustrating this article were obtained from the internet as the result
of a search for Wadi Sura II public
domain. If any of these images were, in fact, not public domain I apologize
for their use.
Geggel, Laura,
Nonhuman Hands Found in Prehistoric Rock Art, October, 2016, LiveScience,
rock art,
Wadi Sura II
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Spear thrower, carved antler, showing
an ibex or chamois giving birth,
Mas d'Azil, France. Public domain.
with the practice of classifying Paleolithic portable art as related to the
category of rock art I am writing today about a theme that has fascinated
people for many years. Among the amazingly realistic antler Paleolithic carvings
decorating spear throwers there is a theme sometimes known as "bird on a
turd". This theme consists of an animal (deer, ibex or chamois, or bovine)
with its tail raised and a protuberance from its anal area with one or two
birds sitting on the protuberance. The animal usually has its head twisted
around to look back at the scene.
Spear thrower, carved antler, showing
an ibex or chamois giving birth,
Mas d'Azil, France. Public domain.
Spear thrower, carved antler, showing
an ibex or chamois giving birth,
Mas d'Azil, France. Public domain.
Spear thrower, carved antler,
showing an ibex or chamois
giving birth, France.
Public domain.
showing an ibex or chamois
giving birth, France.
Public domain.
A number of
these spear throwers have been recovered from Paleolithic sites in France, some
so nearly identical that the assumption is that they may well have been created
by the same hand. " Perhaps this
explains the similarities between particular objects found at different sites
(the famous antler spearthrowers of the Pyrenees, for example), which are so
clear they must have been the product of a single individual." (Pettit 2016:26) Others
are quite like each other but show differences in workmanship and detail, so we
can also assume that the motive that led to their creation was spread more
widely than to just one individual. Note the different handling of the legs, some examples are pierced through while others remain filled in.
My original
assumption, based upon a quick observation many years ago, was that the birds
were picking seeds out of the excrement, a phenomenon that I have seen on farms
and ranches with the droppings of cattle or horses. A closer look, however, and
a little reflection leads to the conclusion that it cannot be that because the
anal expression is all wrong for excrement. Deer (or ibex, or chamois)
droppings consist of relatively small balls of matted digested vegetation, not
one large protuberance as in the carvings.
Deer droppings. Photograph
Public Domain.
Deer giving birth. Photograph
Public Domain.
The most
likely explanation of this theme is that the animal is a doe in the process of
giving birth. Paul Pettit wrote in "Ice Age Splendor: Redrawing The Past,
in the October/November 2016 issue of World
Archaeology Magazine: "Another
genitive element in the art is the so-called "bird and turd" antler
spearthower crooks of the Pyrenean Magdalenian. Bahn prefers the old
interpretation of these: a doe, turning her head back to look at one or two
birds that have landed on an excrement emerging from her behind. Deer scats do
not have this morphology, and others have suggested that these represent does
giving birth - but why should birds be present? In fact, corvids have been
observed feeding on the cauls of deer and cattle newborn. This artistic
expression both of life and death seems a far more plausible interpretation of
some of the most characteristic Upper Palaeolithic portable art objects than
imaginary scatological humor." (Pettit 2016:29)
Spear throwers from La Madeleine
rock shelter, France. Photograph
public domain.
Spear thrower from La Madeleine
rock shelter, France. Photograph
public domain.
Spear thrower showing a bovine
giving birth. La Madeleine rock
shelter, France. Photograph
public domain.
As noted
above there are also examples of this basic them with other animals as in the
spear thrower from La Madeleine that shows a bovine instead of an ibex or deer,
and lacks the birds perched upon the anal extrusion. A number of examples have
openings pierced through between the animals legs, but Guthrie (2005:290) has
pointed out that this leads to a weakness because of lack of material in that
portion of the spear thrower, a weakness that was corrected in the example above by portraying the animal as posed with
its rear legs folded under it.
Spear thrower, carved antler, showing
an ibex or chamois giving birth,
Mas d'Azil, France. Public domain.
Note that
in the most famous example the spear thrower's hook that fits into the
depression on the base of the dart or spear is the bird's tail. Examples from
Mas d'Azil, as well as La Madelaine, and others, show a variety of animals
fitting into the same general category. The upright position, as well as the
patterning of the birds suggest that they are intended to represent

possess a stiff tail that they can use as a support prop when holding on to a
surface. "The stiffened tails of woodpeckers are crucial for
their climbing and foraging techniques." (Wikipedia).
In this
theme we have yet another example of art that is useful to identify animal
species (the woodpeckers, doe, bovine), multiple identifiable works by a single
artist, and ancillary works by other, less skilled artists influenced by the
Because of
the context the most obvious conclusions would involve hunting magic, and/or
game animal fertility affecting the food supply (although these themes are
pretty much discounted in modern interpretation), yet I have not seen this
theme on any of the Magdalenian period painted cave walls, and that brings up
the very interesting question - why not? Why would we have multiple examples of
this theme carved on spear throwers, and not see it in the more numerous
examples of deer painted on cave walls? This suggests that the theme was
contextual, that it was somehow logical to portray on an instrument of the
hunt, but not to portray it on a cave wall. If there are other examples, or
examples in other contexts, please let me know. Also, I will be interested in
the other interpretations of this theme by my readers, so let me know that as
Just think how wonderful it is that we have such a number of examples of this theme, from this long ago, and some of them are so similar that they were probably carved by the same hand.
NOTE: The images reproduced above were obtained by an internet search for public domain imagery. If any of them were not public domain they have been used accidentally and I apologize.
Just think how wonderful it is that we have such a number of examples of this theme, from this long ago, and some of them are so similar that they were probably carved by the same hand.
NOTE: The images reproduced above were obtained by an internet search for public domain imagery. If any of them were not public domain they have been used accidentally and I apologize.
Guthie, R.
2005 The Nature of Paleolithic Art, University of
Chicago Press, Chicago.
2016 Ice Age Splendor: Redrawing The Past, p, 22-29,
World Archaeology Magazine, Issue 79,
Vol.7, No. 7, October/November 2016,
La Madelaine,
Mas d'Azil,
paleolithic art,
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Photo credit: Limestone slab engraved
with an image of an aurochs, or estinct
wild cow, discovered at Abri Blanchard
in 2012 (Musee national de Prehistoire
collections - photo MNP - ph. Jugie).
Just when
you decide that a site has been worked out, or that we have found out
everything about a subject, fate has a way of surprising us. A recent example of that came from Abri Blanchard, in France, which had been extensively excavated early in the 1900s. A January 29,
2017, article from International Business
Times, written by Himanshu Goenka, presented the discovery of a limestone
plaque with the picture of an aurochs engraved on it from the collapsed rock
shelter, Abri Blanchard. Goenka described a paper from the journal Quaternary International in which the
discoverers of the rock slab discussed their findings.
"The limestone slab has an
engraved image of an aurochs - an extinct wild cow - surrounded by rows of
dots. The site it was found in had been previously excavated in the first half
of the 20th century, but work on studying it in detail was started again in
2011 by a team led by New York University anthropologist Randall White. The
aurochs engraving was found in 2012." (Goenka)
"'The discovery sheds new light
on regional patterning of art and ornamentation across Europe at a time when
the first modern humans to enter Europe dispersed westward and northward across
the continent,' explains NYU anthropologist Randall White, who led the
excavation in France's Vezere Valley. The findings, which appear in the journal
Quaternary International, center on the early modern humans' Aurignacian
culture, which existed from approximately 43,000 to 33,000 years ago." (NYU press release 2017)
We tend to
lump anything before the neolithic into the category of "prehistory"
and assume that human life from that period was hand-to-mouth and culturally
unformed. Well to create art like this you have to be cultured, and have a
tradition of creative imagination. 43,000 to 33,000 years is a long time by
anybody's measure, and the discovery of art dated to that long ago puts the
evolution of human cognition in perspective, as well as confirming the long
history of modern human culture.
2017 38,000-Year-Old Cave Art Found In French Cave, International Business Times, January
29, 2017.
NYU Press
Release, January 27, 2017, New York City.
Abri Blanchard,
cave art,
rock art
Sunday, February 5, 2017
once-in-a-while I find it to be almost irresistible to give in to whimsy. This
posting is a prime example of that because I am devoting it to showing a
striking resemblance between examples of rock art that cannot possibly be
related, from pretty much opposite sides of the world, and probably separated
by centuries in time.
One side of
this resemblance comparison is represented by an animal commonly portrayed in
the art of the Picts, and is called the "Pictish Beast. "The Picts were a tribal confederation of peoples
who lived in what is today eastern and northern Scotland during the Late Iron Age and Early Medieval periods.
They are thought to have been ethnolinguistically Celtic. Where
they lived and what their culture was like can be inferred from the
geographical distribution of brochs, Brittonic place
name elements, and Pictish stones. Picts are attested to in written records from before the Roman conquest of Britain to the 10th century, when they are thought to have merged with the Gails. They
lived to the north of the rivers Forth and Clyde.
Pictish petroglyph panel, From Pappas,
Live Science, Jan. 22, 2017
Picts are
assumed to have been the descendants of the Caledonii and other tribes that were mentioned by Roman
historians or on theworld map of Ptolemy. Pictland, also called Pictavia by some sources, gradually merged with the Gaelic kingdom of Dal Riata to form the Kingdom of Alba (Scotland). Alba then expanded, absorbing the
Brittonic kingdom of Strathclyde and Bernician Lothian , and by
the 11th century the Pictish identity had been subsumed into the "Scots" amalgamation of peoples." (Wikipedia)
Sea Wolf petroglyph, Nanaimo,
Vancouver Island, British Columbia,
Canada. Photograph Jack and
Esther Faris, 1992.
The other side
of this resemblance is represented by the mythical Sea Wolf figure of the First
Nations People of Vancouver Island, on the Northwest Coast of North America.
One group of these people live in the area of Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island.
The First Nation people of Nanaimo are the Snuneymuxw, a
Coastal Salish people. "The Snuneymuxw First Nationis currently located in and
around Nanaimo on east-central Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Although the Snuneymuxw now only have a total reserve
land base of 266 hectares, divided into small, separated reserves, they once occupied a wide region of
south-central Vancouver Island where they lived for more than 5,000 years.
Snuneymuxw Territory on the
eastern coast of Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and the Fraser River in British Columbia was in the center of Coast Salishterritory."
There are a number of the Sea Wolf depictions at the
Nanaimo petroglyph site.
Sea Wolf petroglyph, Sproat Lake,
Vancouver Island, British Columbia,
Canada. Photograph Peter Faris, 1995.
The other group of First Nations People that I
looked at are the people who lived in the area of Sproat Lake, also on
Vancouver Island. "The
Kleh-koot-aht people resided around Kleh-koot (Sproat Lake) (means long stretch
of level land). Kleh-koot-aht’s area was between Yaaqis (Prairie Farm) and
Sproat Falls and there was a seasonal village located on the Sproat River. This
village was a great place for fishing and smoking salmon, picking blackberries,
hunting deer and picnicking. Also at this place was a longhouse where they
performed several potlatches in the winter season." (Wikipedia)
There is a large petroglyph panel found at Sproat Lake which also includes the
Sea Wolf figure.
Remember, as I said above, the Sea Wolf cannot
possibly be related in any way to the Pictish Beast. Yet the resemblance
between the creatures, especially their heads, is marked, and I find it
delightful. Remember: "There are more things in heaven and
earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." (William Shakespeare)
NOTE: Photos of the Pictish Beast were found on the internet with a search for "Pictish Beast public domain". If I recovered any photographs that were not public domain I did so inadvertently, and I apologize for their use.
NOTE: Photos of the Pictish Beast were found on the internet with a search for "Pictish Beast public domain". If I recovered any photographs that were not public domain I did so inadvertently, and I apologize for their use.
Bentley, Mary and Ted,
1981 Gabriola: Petroglyph Island, Sono Nis Press, Victoria, B.C.
Bentley, Mary and Ted,
1981 Gabriola: Petroglyph Island, Sono Nis Press, Victoria, B.C.
Hamlet, by
William Shakespeare
Pappas, Stephanie,
2017 Lost Dark Ages Fort Found in Scotland, January 22, 2017, Live Science,
Pappas, Stephanie,
2017 Lost Dark Ages Fort Found in Scotland, January 22, 2017, Live Science,
· Wikipedia
British Columbia,
pictish beast,
rock art,
Sproat Lake,
Vancouver Island
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